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Persado's Black Lives Matter Fund

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$7,079.32 raised of $20,000.00 goal

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Words matter; but actions speak louder than words. Persado stands in solidarity with the Black community in the fight against racism. We are pledging $15,000 in support of efforts to address racial injustice. This Black Lives Matter Fund is composed of pre-vetted nonprofits committed to seeking justice for those impacted by systematic racism as well as organizations helping fill the gaps where the system has failed.

Your Donation Supports

NAACP Legal Defense & Educ Fund Inc

The NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund is America's legal counsel on issues of race. Through advocacy and litigation, LDF focuses on issues of education, voter protection, economic justice and criminal justice. We encourage students to embark on careers in the public interest through scholarship and internship programs. LDF pursues racial justice to move our nation toward a society that fulfills the promise of equality for all Americans.

Black Alliance for Just Immigration

The Black Alliance for Just Immigration (BAJI) is a racial justice and migrant rights organization which engages in education, advocacy, and cross-cultural alliance-building in order to strengthen a national movement to end racism, criminalization, and economic disenfranchisement in Black immigrant, refugee and African American communities.

Chicago Community Bond Fund

Chicago Community Bond Fund pays bond for people in Cook County, Illinois. Through a revolving fund, CCBF supports individuals whose communities cannot afford to pay the bonds themselves and who have been impacted by structural violence. Inability to pay bond results in higher rates of conviction, longer sentences, loss of housing and jobs, separation of families, and lost custody of children. By paying bond, CCBF restores the presumption of innocence before trial and enables recipients to remain free while fighting their cases. CCBF also engages in public education about the role of bond in the criminal legal system and advocates for the abolition of money bond. CCBF is committed to long-term relationship building and organizing with people most directly impacted by criminalization.

Equal Justice Initiative

EJI is committed to ending mass incarceration and excessive punishment in the United States, to challenging racial and economic injustice, and to protecting basic human rights for the most vulnerable people in American society.

Minnesota Freedom Fund Inc


Start Small Think Big Inc

Start Small Think Big (Start Small) has a mission to help under-resourced entrepreneurs create thriving businesses in underserved areas so owners can build wealth for themselves, their families and communities. We do this by activating and engaging a top-tier network of professional volunteers who provide high-quality legal, financial and marketing services, at no cost. Our work with low-to moderate-income entrepreneurs directly aligns with our vision: a society in which entrepreneurship is a viable path to socioeconomic mobility. By investing in the underserved, we create jobs and value for our society, and empower others to create a better future.

Conscious Kid

This is an organization that has applied for and obtained tax-exempt status from the IRS under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

Envision Freedom Fund

Each day, countless New Yorkers accused of petty crimes are sent to Rikers Island. They are not there to serve time as a punishment; they haven't been found guilty of any crime. Instead, they are languishing in jail because they cannot afford to post bail right away. With 90% of these pretrial detainees identifying as Black or Hispanic, the inevitable result is a criminal justice system that disproportionately impacts low-income people of color.

Indigent citizens unable to post bail often spend months in a jail cell awaiting trial. Despite their innocence, an inability to pay pressures vulnerable New Yorkers to plead guilty just to be released from jail and return to their families. Thus, poverty robs the accused of the presumption of innocence and the right to a fair trial.

The damage doesn't end with a guilty plea. Bail pushes already-struggling families past their financial breaking point, and even deeper into the margins of society. Even a few days in Rikers can mean unemployment, eviction or deportation. In short, bail destroys lives.

The Brooklyn Community Bail Fund seeks to remedy the devastating consequences of criminal justice involvement by paying bail for indigent individuals charged with low-level offenses. By doing so, the Fund is able to keep innocent Brooklynites out of Rikers and secure the right to a fair trial for all--not just those who can afford it.

Per Scholas, Inc.

Per Scholas' mission is to open doors to technology careers for individuals from often overlooked communities. We envision a future where individuals from any community can access well-paying career positions, and where talent is recognized and recruited from many diverse sources.
Our formula is simple: We partner with the largest IT employers and learn everything we can about the jobs they need to fill. Then we invest in talented young people and adults who can effectively use our free, high-quality job training and support services: first to get those jobs, and then advance in them.
Since 1995, Per Scholas has trained more than 10,000 individuals, helping them build successful careers in technology and spurring economic development in their communities.

Legal Outreach

Legal Outreach prepares youth from underserved communities in NYC to compete at high academic levels, using intensive legal and educational programs to foster vision, develop skills, and facilitate the pursuit of higher education.

We use legal programs as a catalyst to inspire young people to pursue academic excellence, but our main goal is to equip them with strong academic skills. Using professional exposure activities to draw in applicants, we identify promising 8th grader from underserved communities in NYC and immerse them in a rigorous, four-year regimen of academic instruction and support, known as “College Bound." Meeting after school, on weekends, and during the summers, our College Bound program gives each student more than 2,300 hours of additional college prep and guidance.

Color Of Change Education Fund Inc

Color Of Change is the nation’s largest online racial justice organization.

We help people respond effectively to injustice in the world around us. As a national online force driven by more than 1.4 million members, we move decision-makers in corporations and government to create a more human and less hostile world for Black people in America.

Our campaigns and initiatives win changes that matter. By designing strategies powerful enough to fight racism and injustice—in politics and culture, in the workplace and the economy, in criminal justice and community life, and wherever they exist—we are changing both the written and unwritten rules of society. We mobilize our members to end practices and systems that unfairly hold Black people back, and champion solutions that move us all forward.

Tides Foundation

Tides Foundation is the current fiscal sponsor for the Back Lives Matter movement.

Persado's Black Lives Matter Fund

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